Limits and Colimits, Part 2 (Definitions)

Welcome back to our mini-series on categorical limits and colimits! In Part 1 we gave an intuitive answer to the question, "What are limits and colimits?" As we saw then, there are two main ways that mathematicians construct new objects from a collection of given objects: 1) take a "sub-collection," contingent on some condition or 2) "glue" things together. The first construction is usually a limit, the second is usually a colimit. Of course, this might've left the reader wondering, "Okay... but what are we taking the (co)limit of?" The answer? A diagram. And as we saw a couple of weeks ago, a diagram is really a functor.
We are now ready to give the formal definitions (along with more intuition). First, here's a bit of setup.
The Setup
In what follows, let CC denote any category and let II be an indexing category. Note that given any object XX in CC, there is a constant functor- let's also call it XX - from II to CC. This functor sends every object to XX and every morphism to the identity of XX.

Therefore, given any functor (ahem, diagram) F:I→CF:I→C, we can make sense of a natural transformation between XX and FF. Such a natural transformation consists of a collection of morphisms between XX and the objects in the diagram FF. Moreover, these morphisms must commute with all the morphisms that appear in diagram. If the arrows point from XX to the diagram FF, then the setup is called a cone over FF, as we previously discussed here. If, on the other hand, the arrows point from the diagram FF to XX, then it's called a cone under FF (or sometimes a cocone).

Notice that a cone is comprised of two things: an object AND a collection of arrows to or from it. Now here's the punchline:
The limit of a diagram FF is a special cone over FF.
The colimit of FF is a special cone under FF.
Let's take a look at the formal definitions. I'll give a lite version first, followed by the full version.

Definitions (Lite Version)
Definition (limit): The limit of a diagram FF is the "shallowest" cone over FF.

By "shallowest" (not a technical term) I mean in the sense of the picture to the right. There may be many cones -- many objects with maps pointing down to the diagram FF (depicted as a blob) -- over FF, but the limit is the cone that is as close as possible to the diagram FF. Perhaps this is why "limit" is a good choice of terminology. You might imagine all the cones over FF as cascading down to the limit.
If we let gravity pull all the arrows down, then we obtain the dual notion: a colimit.
Definition (colimit): The colimit of a diagram FF is the "shallowest" cone under FF.

Again, by "shallowest" (not a technical term) I mean in the sense of the picture on the left. There may be many cones under FF, but the colimit is the one that's closest to the diagram. It's the shallowest.
Okay, this is all very handwavy and not very informative. To capture the mathematics behind "shallowest," we'll use a universal property. I'll comment on intuition below.

Definition: Limit (Full Version)
The definitions themselves can be stated very succinctly. But like little onions, they have several layers, which we will peel away slowly to minimize the shedding of tears.

Definition (1): The limit of a diagram F:I→CF:I→C is the universal cone over FF.
Let's unwind this a bit...

Definition (2): The limit of a diagram F:I→CF:I→C is an object lim Flim F in CC together with a natural transformation η:lim F⇒Fη:lim F⇒F with the following property: for any object XX and for any natural transformation α:X⇒Fα:X⇒F, there is a unique morphism f:X→lim Ff:X→lim F such that α=η∘fα=η∘f.
Let's unwind this a bit more...
Definition (3): The limit of a diagram F:I→CF:I→C is an object lim Flim F in CC together with morphisms ηA:lim F→AηA:lim F→A, for each AA in the diagram, satisfying ηB=ϕAB∘ηAηB=ϕAB∘ηA for every morphism ϕAB:A→BϕAB:A→B in the diagram. Morever, these maps have the following property: for any object XX and for any collection of morphisms αA:X→AαA:X→A satisfying αB=ϕAB∘αAαB=ϕAB∘αA, there exists a unique morphism f:X→lim Ff:X→lim F such that αA=ηA∘ffor all objects A in the diagram.αA=ηA∘ffor all objects A in the diagram.

In summary, for all objects XX in CC:

Definition: Colimit (Full Version)

Definition (1): The colimit of a diagram F:I→CF:I→C the universal cone under FF.
Let's unwind this a bit...

Definition (2): The colimit of a diagram F:I→CF:I→C is an object colim Fcolim F in CC together with a natural transformation ϵ:F⇒colim Fϵ:F⇒colim F with the following property: for any object XX and for any natural transformation β:F⇒Xβ:F⇒X, there is a unique morphism g:colim F→Xg:colim F→X such that β=g∘ϵβ=g∘ϵ.
Let's unwind this a bit more...
Definition (3): The colimit of a diagram F:I→CF:I→C is an object colim Fcolim F in CC together with morphisms ϵA:A→colim FϵA:A→colim F, for each AA in the diagram, satisfying ϵA=ϵB∘ϕABϵA=ϵB∘ϕAB for every morphism ϕAB:A→BϕAB:A→B in the diagram. Morever, these maps have the following property: for any object XX and for any collection of morphisms βA:A→XβA:A→X satisfying βA=βB∘ϕABβA=βB∘ϕAB, there exists a unique morphism g:colim F→Xg:colim F→X such that βA=g∘ϵAfor all objects A in the diagram.βA=g∘ϵAfor all objects A in the diagram.

In summary, for all objects XX in CC:

a little intuition + a little exercise
I once heard (or read?) Eugenia Cheng refer to a universal property as a way to describe a special role than an object—or in our case, a cone—plays. I like that analogy, and it's exactly what's going on with limits. (Similar sentiments hold for colimits.) Let me elaborate:
Out of all the cones over a diagram FF, there is exactly one that plays the role of limit, namely the pair (limF,η)(limF,η). Of course you might come across another cone (X,α)(X,α) that plays a very similar role. Perhaps αα behaves very similarly to η.η. BUT -- and this is the punchline -- this behavior is no coincidence! The natural transformation αα "behaves" like ηη because it is built up from ηη! More precisely, it has ηη as a factor: α=η∘fα=η∘f for some unique morphism ff!
By way of analogy, think of the role that the number 2 plays among the integers. Out of all the integers, we might say that 2 is the quintessential candidate for "an integer which possesses the quality of 'two-ness,'" that is, of being even. Of course there are other integers aa that play a similar role. In particular, if aa is an even integer, then it also possesses the quality of "two-ness." But this is no coinicidence! An even integer is even because it is built up from 2! More precisely, it has 2 as a factor: a=2ka=2k, for some unique integer kk!
These two equations a=2ka=2k and α=η∘fα=η∘f are analogous. In fact, they're more than analogous....

Let CC be the category 2Z of even integers. A morphism n→m in this category is an integer k such that n=mk. For example, 3 defines an arrow 63⟶2 because 6=2×3. On the other hand, there is no arrow 8⟶6. Show that 2 is the limit of a particular diagram in 2Z.
That is, come up with an indexing category I and a functor I→2Z
(Next question: does this diagram have a colimit? If so, what is it?)

I'll close with one final thought. Once we get used to the ideas/definitions above, we discover that limits and colimits have very familiar names, depending on the shape of the indexing category I!

In the next two posts, I'll justify some of these claims by giving explicit examples of limits and colimts in the category Set.
Until then!

In this series: