Tai-Danae Bradley

tai [dot] danae [at] math3ma [dot] com

I am currently a research mathematician at Sandbox AQ and a visiting professor of mathematics at The Master's University where I help run the Math3ma Institute. I finished my PhD in mathematics in spring 2020 at the CUNY Graduate Center under the supervision of John Terilla and spent some time as a postdoctoral researcher at X, the Moonshot Factory (Google X). My research interests lie in the intersection of quantum physics, machine intelligence, and category theory.

Below is a list of my research, publications, and more.

PhD Thesis

At the Interface of Algebra and Statistics
My thesis uses basic tools from quantum physics to investigate mathematical structure that is both algebraic and statistical. arXiv: 2004.05631. Here is a 10-minute trailer video:


Topology: A Categorical Approach [online version]
A graduate-level textbook that presents basic topology from the perspective of category theory
with Tyler Bryson and John Terilla / published by MIT Press 2020


The Magnitude of Categories of Texts Enriched by Language Models
T.-D. B. and Juan Pablo Vigneaux, arXiv preprint (2025): 2501.06662

Towards Structure-Preserving Quantum Encodings
Arthur J. Parzygnat, T.-D. B., Andrew Vlasic, Anh Pham, arXiv preprint (2024): 2412.17772

The Structure of Meaning in Language: Parallel Narratives in Linear Algebra and Category Theory

T.-D. B., Juan Luis Gastaldi, John Terilla. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 71, No. 2, Feb. 2024. doi.org/10.1090/noti2868

An Enriched Category Theory of Language: From Syntax to Semantics [video 1 / video 2]
T.-D. B., John Terilla, Yiannis Vlassopoulos. La Matematica (2022) doi.org/10.1007/s44007-022-00021-2

Entropy as a Topological Operad Derivation [video]
T.-D. B. Entropy 2021, 23(9), 1195. doi.org/10.3390/e23091195

Probabilistic Graphical Models and Tensor Networks: A Hybrid Framework
Jacob Miller, Geoffrey Roeder, T.-D. B. arXiv preprint (2021): 2106.15666

Language Modeling with Reduced Densities [video]
T.-D. B. and Yiannis Vlassopoulos. Compositionality 3, 4 (2021). doi.org/10.32408/compositionality-3-4

Modeling Sequences with Quantum States: A Look Under the Hood
T.-D. B., E. Miles Stoudenmire, John Terilla. Machine Learning: Science and Technology (2020) doi.org/10.1088/2632-2153/ab8731, code available at https://github.com/emstoudenmire/parity

Translating and Evolving: Towards a Model of Language Change in DisCoCat
T.-D. B., Martha Lewis, Jade Master, Brad Theilman. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 283 (2018) pp. 50-61. arXiv e-print: 1811.11041

On the Distribution of the Greatest Common Divisor of Gaussian Integers
T.-D. B, Yin Choi Cheng, Yan Fei Luo. Involve, A Journal of Mathematics, vol. 9, issue 1 (2016), pp. 27-40. arXiv: 1502.02148


A New Perspective of Entropy [video]
A companion article to "Entropy as a Topological Operad Derivation" written for the ambitious lay person.
The Journal of The Math3ma Institute, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 35–65. doi.org/10.55409/math3ma2022-112

What is Applied Category Theory?
A short expository booklet inspired by the 2018 Applied Category Theory conference
e-booklet, arXiv: 1809.05923

An Invitation to Category Theory
A non-technical introduction to category theory
Chalkdust Magazine, Issue 08 (2018) pp. 22-25.
online version here

Cognition, Convexity, and Category Theory
A short summary of the paper "Interacting conceptual spaces" by Coecke, et. al.
n-Category Café blog post (2018)


Linear Algebra for Machine Learning
A friendly, non-technical intro to basic ideas in linear algebra and some ways they appear in machine learning
TensorFlow YouTube channel (2021) - click here

PBS Infinite Series (Season 2)
A series of short videos produced by PBS Digital Studios about the wonderful world of mathematics
YouTube channel (2017 - 2018) - click here

In the Media

A podcast interview on the CUNY GC's Alumni Aloud Podcast (November 2024)

An article from The Brilliant (April 2023)

A video interview with Miles Stoudenmire at the Flatiron Institute (August 2022)

A podcast interview on Timothy Nguyen's The Cartesian Cafe (July 2022)

A podcast interview on Sean Carroll's Mindscape (November 2021)

An interview article in Math Horizons, volume 29, issue 2 (November 2021)

A video interview on Grant Sanderson's 3Blue1Brown Podcast (September 2021)

A video interview on MΣΣT a Mathematician (February 2021)

A podcast interview on My Favorite Theorem  (January 2021)

A podcast interview on The Local Maximum (November 2020)

An article from the CUNY Graduate Center (November 2020)